ACE sponsors scholarships with every major public university in Washington state, most state community colleges with a track for aerospace, and many professional organizations. Students apply directly to the schools or organizations and are subject to their scholarship guidelines.
To help increase diversity and equity in professional and technical aerospace careers, preference is given to students who are veterans, military spouses and students from underrepresented communities.
Childcare Assistance
With the cost of childcare soaring, ACE helps remove this barrier for aspiring aerospace professionals.
Students pursuing a degree at a public college or university in Washington state, that will allow them a career in aerospace may be eligable for up to $5,000 of childcare assistance.
To apply fo childcare assistance, please contact your school’s emergency funding or student assistance department.
Professional Training
Education is a life-long process. Existing professionals recognize the need for ongoing training. SPEEA ACE is filling that need, with ongoing training opportunities for students and existing professionals.
Free learning events designed for the professional aerospace workforce
Dozens of virtual, hybrid and in-person learning opportunities.
While apprenticeship programs for engineering and other high-tech fields are common in other parts of the world, none exist in the United States.
Recognizing apprenticeship programs are a valuable career pathway, SPEEA ACE is currently researching the feasibility of apprenticeships in professional and technical aerospace occupations. The results of our research will guide efforts to open an apprenticeship career path for students and employers in Washington state. To learn more about this effort, email: ace@speea.org.