Career Track

Self-Paced Courses

The following classes have been previously recorded and are available for participants to watch* for FREE.

*Will need to complete a short survey before being directed to video.

New Courses


New Courses 〰️

Update Your Resume and Stand Out from the Crowd!

Find a job more quickly and gain an edge against your competition by presenting yourself to prospective employers using language they will understand. Learn how to turn a boring resume into something that will jump to the top of the recruiter's pile. This course is intended for anyone looking to build their resume, whether you are starting from scratch or looking to enhance what you already have. 

Interview Skills Prep: Informational, Casual, and Structured

So you submit your job application and you finally landed an interview!

The excitement is setting in but so are the nerves. This course will prepare you for a range of interviews you could be faced with: information, casual, and structured. No matter where you're interviewing, this class will help you become more confident and ultimately more successful.

LinkedIn Job Search Strategies

How can you make sure you not only are applying to the right jobs for you but that you as a candidate stand out. When you digitally drop your resume into a hiring site – you are a stranger to the hiring team. Your LinkedIn presence is an important opportunity to distinguish yourself. Join this seminar to learn about how to best employ LinkedIn’s internal tools to search for jobs, how to make your profile stand out, and how to utilize your network to help you find opportunities.

Career Management 2.0: Building A Long-Term Career Strategy

Hear from career management coach Dawn Rasmussen on specific, actionable tips on how to plan ahead so you can always be on top of your next career move, and be flexible enough to adapt to changing employment conditions to reach your career goals!

Job Search Strategies

Learn from a professional résumé writer and job search coach the top strategies you need to incorporate into your job search.

Cover Letters: The Icing on the Cake

Job applicants wonder: Should I even bother with a cover letter? Yes! Join this one-hour virtual class where you'll discover how to more effectively use your cover letter to capture prospective employer interest.

Ten Resume Writing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

The digital age is constantly requiring new and revised strategies to a professional résumé that puts you above the competition. Find out how to avoid the 10 most important mistakes that send résumés into the round file and the most important items to include so you stand above everyone else applying for the same job.

Interview Like A CEO

Learn valuable tips to take the nervousness out of interviewing. Earn confidence and make yourself shine. Recording will be made available after the course.

Salary and Job Offer Negotiations

This webinar explores differences in communication, culture, workstyle, generational, personalities, and societal values.

Supercharge Your LinkedIn Profile

Does your LinkedIn profile feel sort of “meh?” Do you use LinkedIn to connect to people? This session will help you think about your profile in a new light and understand what you need to be doing to be found as well as articulate your career clearly and concisely.

Social Media 101

Attendees will get an overview of social media platforms and learn best practices to increase engagement, build your personal online brand, and partake in community discussions.